北海道大学電子科学研究所 生体分子デバイス研究分野

The 15th Ries-Hokudai International symposium

Amphiphilic Gold Nanoparticles: Design of Bifurcated Surface Ligands for siRNA Delivery into the Cell Cytosol” (Poster 29)
Kenya Kobayashi, ○Hideyuki Mitomo, Chie Takeuchi, Naoki Fujitani, Shuko Takahara, Takafumi Ninomiya, Yoshihiro Ito, Yoshihito Osada, Kenichi Niikura, Kuniharu Ijiro

Preparation of DNA Brush with Tunable Surface Morphology by Conformation Change of DNA” (Poster 35)
○Satoshi Nakamura, Hideyuki Mitomo, Yashunobu Suzuki, Yasutaka Matsuo, Kenichi Niikura, Kuniharu Ijiro

Nano-Adjuvant: The Effects of the Shape and Size of RNA-coated Gold Nanoparticles on Adjuvant Activity” (Poster 51)
○Taiyu Tazaki, Kenichi Niikura, Tadaki Suzuki, Shintaro Kobayashi, Yasuko Orba, Hideyuki Mitomo, Tetsuo Nakano, Hirofumi Sawa, Kuniharu Ijiro


 Asia NANO 2014

Preparation of tunable plasmonic device using hydrogels” (Poster・NPP05) Best Poster Award!!
○Hideyuki Mitomo, Kenta Horie, Yasutaka Matsuo, Kenichi Niikura, Takeharu Tani, Masayuki Naya, Kuniharu Ijiro

Self-Asembly of Janus Gold Nanoparticles in Water” (Poster・NMP51) Best Poster Award!!
○Ryo Iida, Kenichi Niikura, Hideyuki Mitomo, Kuniharu Ijiro

 Surface Engineering of Gold Nanoparticles for their Controlled Self-Assembly” (invited・NMIS01)
○Kenichi Niikura, Ryo Iida, Jinjian Wei, Hideyuki Mitomo, Kuniharu Ijiro

 Novel lift-off method using enzymatic hydrolysis of DNA brushes for bio/nano applications” (Oral・NBOP01)
○Kuniharu Ijiro, Hideyuki Mitomo, Satoshi Nakamura, Yasunobu Suzuki, Asumi Eguchi, Yasutaka Matsuo, kenichi Niikura


Fluorous Scientific meeting for the study 7th symposium

Fabrication of Multilayered Gold Nanoparticle Vesicles Using Sugar Terminated Fluorinated Surface Ligand” (poster P-10)
○Jinjian Wei, Kenichi Niikura, Naotoshi Sugimura, Hideyuki Mitomo,Kuniharu Ijiro


29th Summer University in Hokkaido

Virus-Capsid-like Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles” (poster P14) Poster Aword!
○Jinjian Wei, Kenichi Niikura,Naotoshi Sugimura, Hideyuki Mitomo, Kuniharu Ijiro


SPIE. optics+photonics

Metal array structures on the stimuli-responsive gel” (invited)
○Hideyuki Mitomo, Kenta Horie, Naonobu Shimamoto, Yasutaka Matsuo, Kenichi Niikura, and Kuniharu Ijiro

The synthesis and bio/nano applications of DNA brushes” (invited)
○Kuniharu Ijiro


The 3rd Frontier Chemistry Center International Symposium

Fabrication of Size-Controllable 3D Gold Nanoparticles sphere assemblies Using Carbohydrate Derived Fluorinated Surface Ligands” (Poster・P-45)
○Jinjian Wei, Kenichi Niikura, Hideyuki Mitomo and Kuniharu Ijiro

RNase H-encapsulated Virus-like Particles for Sequence-specific RNA Degradation” (Poster・P-46)
○Nanotoshi Sugimura, Kenichi Niikura, Kyoji Hagiwara, Hideyuki Mitomo, Hirofumi Sawa and Kuniharu Ijiro

Synthesis of Janus Gold Nanoparticles with Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic faces and their Self-assembly” (Poster・LP-01)
○Ryo Iida, Kenichi Niikura, Hideyuki Mitomo and Kuniharu Ijiro


64th SPSJ Annual Meeting

Self-assembly of Janus Gold Nanoparticles Fabricated by Phase Separation of Ligand Molecules” (Oral, English 1M26)
○Ryo Iida・Kenichi Niikura・Shota Sekiguchi・Hideyuki Mitomo・Kuniharu Ijiro